The process of sharing and communicating information and knowledge is termed teaching, which is both an art and a science. As an art, it focuses on teachers’ inventions and scenarios for creating lectures in the most optimal way for their pupils. As a science, it focuses on logical and experimental procedures to achieve a goal. Every teacher has their own perspective on the teaching and learning process. We cannot ignore the fact that teaching may influence an individual’s personality. Learning, on the other hand, is a quantitative growth in knowledge that can be utilized wherever necessary.

Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in the teaching and learning process in today’s advanced scenario. It is an emerging technology that modifies educational tools to provide the best educational practices. ChatGPT is a great invention with the same objective. As AI and its technologies grow at a rapid pace, OpenAI has launched an intelligent chatbot named ChatGPT, where GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It has risen to the top of academic agendas as a revolutionary technology that is changing the way teachers and learners interact. It employs Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF).

ChatGPT uses artificial intelligence to provide an interactive conversation between teachers and students, allowing them to ask questions and receive real-time answers. It responds accordingly after learning by itself for a text-based chat. It is designed to simulate human conversation and provide relevant responses to user input. ChatGPT is used in various areas, such as personal assistance, customer service, and chatbots. It can be utilized in a variety of ways, from helping with homework assignments to providing personalized tutoring sessions. With its potential for both educators and learners alike, ChatGPT is sure to become an essential tool for future classrooms. This platform helps educators redesign assignments with new and valuable inputs.

From the student’s perspective, it helps and motivates them to hold discussions on established rules. It is better than a simple bot as it provides a platform for discussion and reaching a crisp conclusion. Educators can engage students in experiential learning and demonstrate their learning. It also provides various assessment modalities, such as oral and live demonstrations. It is also less threatening. Students get a variety of information on a topic, which helps to sketch the draft. A unique case study can also be drafted. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn by providing more engaging and personalized learning experiences. To understand its working, educators must have a general or basic understanding of artificial intelligence, and students need to learn how to navigate life with AI.

A few capabilities of ChatGPT are remembering follow-up corrections and supportive communication. However, it has been observed that in a few cases, it leads to incorrect information, biased content, and limited study. ChatGPT is working successfully and is used in various applications, where it provides solutions to significant and minor problems with the help of numerous volumes of internet stuff and the supervision of human specialists. After considering all its benefits, we must use it safely and ethically with integrity.

Written By:
Dr. Saneh Lata Yadav
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
SGT University Gurgaon

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